
5 Rules of Being a Content Creator

By Cathy Hutchison, CPSM, LEED AP posted 11-18-2013 17:45


The digital world thrives on content creation.  Whether you post a "how to" video on YouTube, update an entry in Wikipedia, start a blog, or simply add interesting status updates to Facebook or Twitter, to truly participate in the digital world, you have to contribute.  And the best part is, there is something in this world that each of us is an absolute expert in that we can share.  You are unique, and in the digital world you don't have to be approved by a publishing house, movie critic, music label or corporation to have your contributions seen.  In fact, it is easier than ever before for smaller, unique interests to connect with a much broader audience. 


Whether you are a regular contributor trying to increase the quality of your content, or if you are simply trying to get started, consider the following...


1) Create the personal connection.  The digital world connects the story with the storyteller, so make sure that whatever it is you are putting out there has a personal connection to yourself.  It's the difference between content that sounds like a theme paper on a subject or the personal journey of someone living it.


2) Think in real-time.  One of the beauties of the digital world is that content can be posted in real-time.  You can post live from events, put up pictures as something unfolds, or have teams of people posting so they create the content together.  Real-time can create a sense of urgency and experience to your content.


3) Invite a response.  One of the things that differentiates the digital world from the broadcast world is that bi-directional communication is possible.   You have the power to engage your audience. 


4) "Package" your content.  Sometimes the level of interest generated is all in the spin.  For example, I can write about a week of goofing off, checking out spas and having lunch with friends, or I can tell you about "My Week as a Trophy Wife." (I guarantee the "trophy wife" gets better play.) This works in the business world as well.  "Career advice learned from my vast experience" isn't very clickable, but "My Top 5 Biggest Potentially Career-Ending Mistakes", is.


5) Just do it.  Not everything you produce will be a masterpiece.  And in fact, if you wait until it is, you will likely find yourself unable to produce anything.  The digital world votes with its fingers, so it won't take you long to find out if the content you are producing is being followed or not.  Check your analytics and tweak accordingly.  Of course, if you enjoy what you are producing, then the analytics may not matter at all, because joy in creating the content is a reward all its own.


Don't see yourself as a content creator?  No worries.  You can also become a fantastic "content curator."  It is simply a matter of finding the best stuff on the web tailored to your audience and posting with rhythmic regularity.


© Cathy Hutchison 2013

