
The SMPS Family

By Adam Kilbourne, FSMPS, CPSM posted 11-11-2013 22:38


In recent weeks I have been reminded of the power of our SMPS network. My PLS classmate, Ryan Konst summarized it well today on Twitter, “…Some call SMPS a networking group..I call it a family.” Ryan, I can’t agree more! I think many of us on chapter boards feel this to some extent (some chapters more so than others), but the further your opportunities take you, the bigger your family becomes and the stronger the bond that is made. The friendship, sympathy, support and guidance from this family are indescribable. 

An SMPS family can be diverse - mine is made up of Northeast Ohio Chapter members, Columbus Chapter members, PLS 7th Domain classmates, SMPS U alumni, SMPS Staff, SMPS National Board, as well as members I have met at regional and national conferences. Some people you meet once and they become a friend for life, others may take a little while to warm up to.

For those who are just starting to experience this sense of family, or who haven’t yet experienced the family of SMPS, keep in mind it takes effort and opportunity to build your family. Also, take advantage of every opportunity to be around the people who are where you desire to be. If a Fellow or National Board member is coming to your chapter, arrange to get a cup of coffee with them, and make that connection. You never know where it will take you. Sometimes you have to create those opportunities, so don’t be afraid to raise your hand to volunteer for a committee or other assignment, increasing your chances of making valuable connections. 

I’m fortunate to have a very supportive company, especially for a small firm, that has allowed me opportunities to participate, grow, explore and develop within SMPS. It doesn’t come cheap, but it’s part of our culture, and the long term benefits outweigh the costs. If you are not getting the support you want from your company, keep pressing your firm to help with the opportunities to grow your SMPS family. 

Regardless of what opportunities come your way, SMPS has the members and resources to support you.  

